How Does Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Work?

    • An initial evaluation with a prescriber will be scheduled via Zoom to discuss your medical and psychiatric history, provide education on the treatment, and determine if you are eligible for KAP. 

    • If you are eligible for KAP, a personalized ketamine prescription, and outcome monitoring plan will occur.

    • A ketamine prescription and a small amount of oral ketamine will be sent to your home, enough for the first 2 KAP sessions. Your vitals will be taken at the beginning of your KAP session and you will self-administer the ketamine lozenges in your therapist’s office once you are ready.

  • Once you receive your ketamine lozenges, one to three KAP preparation sessions will be scheduled. These meetings are held within the conventional 53-minute session therapy model and can be billed to your insurance. The goal is to align on the process, set intentions for the KAP therapy, and answer any questions that you have so you begin the KAP process with confidence. The concepts of set and setting will be introduced to co-create the ideal therapeutic space to safely hold your KAP experience.

    • A typical ketamine dosing session is scheduled for 2.5 to 3 hours and takes place in person.

    • During a dosing session, you will self-administer your ketamine lozenge once your blood pressure is taken, is in the normal range, and you settle comfortably into the space. If comfortable, you will be in a reclining position wearing an eye mask and listening to calming music. Although a KAP dosing session may be largely an internal experience, your therapist will be present with you the entire time to hold space and provide support as needed.

    • The acute effects of the ketamine lozenge will last an average of 45 to 60 minutes. The remainder of these sessions will center on reflecting upon your experience. This is highly individualized and may include talking, journaling, creating art, or simply sitting with a snack and beverage. After the meeting, you will leave with a pre-planned designated driver.

    • The typical KAP treatment model consists of 4 to 6 dosing sessions to optimize its efficacy by overlapping the neuroplastic window that ketamine can create. The timing and number of these sessions are decided by you and your providers.

  • After our KAP dosing session, multiple integration therapy sessions will be scheduled to review the memories, thoughts & insights that arose during your dosing session, and to prepare for the next dosing session. It is recommended that the initial integration be scheduled the next day after the dosing session to maximize your connection to the experience.

  • Typically, you will schedule a follow-up with your prescriber to monitor outcomes and prescribe ketamine lozenge refills, as appropriate. The frequency of follow-ups depends on your unique treatment plan.